Limited Seats Available. Book your setas today !    ||    Admission for Class XI starts. Book your seats today !    ||    Admission for Class XI starts. Book your seats today !    ||    Excellent Results keep the flag of HMSS flying high    ||    Once again, the students attain superlative results on a consistent basis    ||   

There is no written test for admission in NUR, LKG & UKG.

  • For admission to the next upper classes the student has to qualify a written test.
  • Registration is no guarantee for admission and registration fee is not refundable.
  • Subjects for admission test
  • Mathematics, English and Hindi
  • For details contacts: School office from 9AM to 1PM


  • Children are admitted to different classes between January to April of each year depending on the number of vacancies in each class. The Prospectus and Admission forms can be had from the School Counter on payment of the requisite fee. Parents can get their children registered by filling up the Registration Form which must be submitted in the School Office by the stipulated date, subsequent to which the Entrance Test date shall be Announced. Registration, however, is not a guarantee for Admission.
  • Children may only be sent to school when the parents receive the Notice of Acceptance from the Principal who reserves the right to refuse any applicant whose admission he considers undesirable in the larger interest of the school even when all other formalities have been duly completed.
  • Students must sit for Entrance Examination before Admission.

Eligibility of Students

A student seeking admission to any class will be eligible for admission in that class only if he/she fulfills the following criteria:

  • Has been studying in a school recognized by any Board of Secondary Education in India.
  • Has passed the Entrance Test conducted by the school for admission in that class.
  • Satisfies the requirement of age limit (min and max as prescribed by Central /State govt.
  • On submission of the following documents:
    1. A School Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate from the previous School except in case of admission at Entry Level.
    2. A Birth Certificate issued from the Registrar, Department of Registration Birth and Death / Municipal Corporation / Certificate of Baptism for those students attending school for the 1st time.
    3. Document (s) in support of his having passed the qualifying examination or equivalent qualifying examination.
    4. A Medical Certificate regarding general health from a Registered Practitioner.
    5. 3 passport size B/W photographs.
  • No student shall be promoted to any higher class in the school unless he/she has completed the regular course of study in the class in which he was admitted at the beginning of the academic session and has subsequently passed the qualifying examination for promotion to the next class successfully.

Why Merit is not the basis of discrimination in our School in Class XI?

Discrimination on the basis of merit is like nipping talent in the bud .It is equivalent to crushing a potential prodigy's talent before time.

Every student has different potential and different interest in which they flourish, given the right direction and right inspiration. However, faced with the prospect of handling Subjects of varied streams prove to be daunting for even the most valiant of brave hearts. In such a scenario , limiting and curtailing the opportunities available to the students on the basis of percentage achieved at Class X level is not only grossly unfair but way off the mark.

At Holy Mission Secondary School, we believe in providing equal opportunities for every student to realize and cherish his dream potential and therefore students are welcomed within the fold without percentage at Class X level being the deciding factor. Talent is then given the right nourishment using the right tools, right inspiration and right guidance. Come, be a part of this experience.

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