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20 Habits every parents should encourage in kids

Children are pure souls when they are born. Day by day, by external influences, they learn both necessary and unnecessary habits. So it’s very essential to start teaching good habits at their early ages itself. The earlier we introduce them, the more they grasp those habits.

At Holy Mission, one of the best schools in Patna we aim at creating good human being out of our students. One of the best ways to seeding good habits within them is by setting parents as role models. First, we should inculcate ourselves always to have good habits; because, kids see and learn.

Best school in Patna, top 10 school in patna, 20 Habits for Kids

1. Rising early

Early morning wake up improves the concentration and memory power which in turn helps to perform better in their studies. Age-appropriate activities like yoga, some basic stretches and exercises like jogging, and cycling.

2. Personal care –stay hygienic

Being hygienic helps kids to stay healthy and build immunity.

  • Brush twice a day
  • Take regular shower
  • Wash hands before and after meal
  • Trim nails and clean hair

3. Healthy food

We should build healthy eating habits by making them eat a healthy diet with varieties of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts. And do not encourage them to have junk foods with salt, sugar and preservatives.

4. Self–dependent

Kids, who are self-dependent, develop self-confidence within them. Sure, they efficiently handle the hard task independently. Practicing them to

  • do household chores
  • be organized with their activities
  • get ready on their own

5. Respect elders and value relationship

Our elders are a treasure of experiential knowledge. Let’s treat our elders respectfully through which kids would learn from us. Make the practice of listening patiently and replying politely to the elders. Kids can also serve them food and medicine to create a bond.

6. Treat everyone equally

Educate your children to treat everyone equally disregarding their age, gender and so on; no matter what their status may be, and also tell them not to be prejudiced. At Holy Mission Secondary School, one of the best schools in Patna, we insist on treating everyone equally irrespective of their backgrounds, marks or physical appearances.  

7. Joy of sharing and helping

The joy of sharing things and helping each other starts at home with their siblings itself. Instruct your kids to develop this quality and spread their hands from home to the outside world.

8. Gratitude

Gratitude is the art of being grateful to something or somebody. We should discipline them to use polite words like “Please”, “Thank you”, etc. Also encourage them to express apology by saying “sorry” and forgive others.

9. Honesty

Honesty is just expressing yourself but your way of expression should not hurt others. School your children to accept their faults and learn from them. This will make them hold the truth in their hard times too.

10. Reading habitual

  “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

-Albert Einstein

Reading develops vocabulary skills, attention level and greater confidence.

11. Value of money and savings

Introducing Piggy banking – saving practice with some mottos like “saving for orphanage”, “for helping the poor” and so -- will help your kids to learn the value of money.

12. Outdoor play

Outdoor playing is a way of socializing themselves with all kinds of kids. Another thing is exposing them to nature like sunlight, fresh air and so on. These leads to

  • Build immunity
  • Helps social and emotional development

Holy Mission Secondary School strives to be the best School in Patna which is why we want out students to not just be mentally strong but also physically capable. Our different physical education classes are aimed at achieving that.

13. Fond of nature

Say to your children, “It’s okay to get wet in rain”. Give them a chance to explore nature and allow them to feel and love it. Involve them in gardening, caring for animals and birds, etc.

Holy Mission Secondary School, which is among the best schools in Patna, organizes field trips where children get to experience nature from up close.

14. Less screen time

Nowadays kids spend more time on gadgets and have less time to connect with family and friends. We should make them aware of side effects of these such as

  • Poor eye health 
  • Obesity due to lazy lifestyle 
  • Limiting social interaction 

15. Hard work

Motivate your children to work hard to get their dreams come true. We should tell them that everything is possible with hard work and good things always don’t come that easy.

16. Good sleep

Sleep cycle is important to be followed by parents for any kid. Necessary sleeping hours with regularity in timekeeping make a kid develop more active brain cells. Also physical repairs are done only at sleep.

17. Being simple

Practice your kids to be simple in emotional and physical status. A cool attitude with awareness and simple dressing with elegant expression, pull them to the top of their life.

18. Positive mind set

Make them think positive in every aspect when they come across. Make them study which makes them feel good, positive or negative. You should always approach them with positivity and it will spread to them too.  

19. Self confidence

Allow them to think and act on their own. Teach them how to plan a work and how to work that plan. Also hint to them the line between self-confidence and overconfidence.

20. Value of time

Discipline their activities with time from the early age itself. Also teach them how to spend time in each of the activities. Make them more calculative and responsible.

All these practices are helpful for both physical and mental health for a kid in the long run.

Holy Mission aims at becoming the best school in Patna which is why we are bring a lot of different educational articles that could not only help students but also parents.

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